P2P in the Urban South

A conversation with Michel Bauwens about the dynamics of peer sharing: the role of cities in Africa on the occasion of festival Afropixel 4, Dakar, Senegal (in French)

“Think what a peer-to-peer economy in a city like Dakar could mean. First, we need to consider an alternative economic model based on networks, cooperation and exchange, common value creation and allocation of resources through relational interactions rather than price mechanisms. Imagine all this in a world economy increasingly based on knowledge as the main economic factor of economic growth.
Imagine these alternative models of knowledge and culture sharing in African cities, consider the possibilities in cultural spaces historically based on the logic of gifts and counter-gifts, a logic of a relational economies where social interactions ensured the circulation of goods and the creation of shared wealth outside market mechanisms. Imagine also these alternative models in areas today heavily dominated by market economies and where there is an urgent need to recreate the conditions for the productions of new goods.”

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